Minggu, 11 Januari 2015


                One day the regency of Surabaya was visited by Prince Situbanda , son of Regrent Cakraningrat in Madura , accompanied by his two bodyguards , Gajah Seta and Gajah Manggala . He was welcomed by the Regent of Suarabaya , Regent Jayengrana .
          “Welcome to my regency , Prince Situbanda .”greeted Regent Jayengrana . Then they were talking aboout many things especially about the situation on both regencies.
          “Yes , Sir . I’d like to propose your daughter , Dewi Perbawati.” said Prince Situbanda .
          Adipati Jayengrana felt very happy , but could not decide whether his daughter was willing to or not . Then he invited Purbawati .
          “My dear daughter , this is Prince Situbanda . He wants to propose to marry you. What do you think ?” asked regent Jayengrana .
          In fact , Dewi Perbawati did not like him but she was afraid of refusing him . Suddenly , she said to him .
          “I would like to be your wife with a condition .” said Dewi Purbawati hesitantly.
          “What condition , my Dear ?” asked Prince Situbanda .
          “You must be able to  open the forest of Surabaya !” replied Dewi Purbawati .
          Hearing the condition , Prince Situbanda asked for permission to return to go home and leave forthe forest of Surabaya .
          Meanwhile , in the Regent of Surabaya there was another guest , called Prince Jaka Taruna from Kediri regency . Prince Jaka looked at Purbawati crying in the park . Then Jaka came up to her .
          Purbawati cried and told what had just happened .
          “Why don’t you maryy me ??? Prince Situbanda wants to marry me .” Purbawati told him .
“I think Prince Situbanda is very powerful . He can open the forest of Surabaya easily .” said Jaka Taruna .
          Hearing that , then Prince Jaka Taruna met Regent Jayengrana to join the compitition . He did not want to lose Dewi Purbawati from his hands .
          Meanwhile , in the middle of the forest of Surabaya , Prince Situbanda was taking a rest when he heard a voice of wood cutting .
          “What are you doing here ?” asked Prince Situbanda .
          “I’m cutting the trees . Dewi Purbawati will marry to me if I can open this forest.” replied Jaka Taruna frankly .
          Prince situbanda got angry . He did not want anybody else to compete with him. He would kill anybody else who want to prevent him from getting married to her .
          Then there wa a fierce fight . Jaka Taruna was thrown away by Prince Situbanda. Jaka Taruna was clung to the branch of the tree .
          “Help ! Help ! Help !” shouted Jaka Taruna .
          Not far from there , there was a man called Jaka Jumput looking for leaves for medicine . He heard a person asking for a help . He was searching for the voice .
          “Help me , please . I will give you whatever you want , a special present , if you can help me .” begged Jaka Taruna .
          Then Jaka Taruna told the amn that he was fighting against Prince Situbanda . He tried to convince the man that he would keep his words .
          Jaka Jumput was interested in the present he offered . Then there was amore fierce fight between Jaka Jumput and Prince Situbanda . They fought intil sunset . Prince Situbanda was killed in the fight .
          Lookinh at the scene , Jaka Taruna went to Surabaya to report the news . He left Jaka Jumput in the forest alone . He did not thanks him . On the other hand , Jaka Jumput felt that there was something wrong . He was so sure that Jaka Taruna played a trick on him . Then he followed him to Surabaya .
          “Your majesty , Regent Jayengrana . I can kill Prince Situbanda .” said Jaka Taruna .
          “No , your majesty !! Not him !! but me !! Here is teh proof , Prabu Situbanda’s clothes .” Jaka Jumput said for sure .
          “Don’t believe him , Sir . He is a liar !” Jaka Taruna tried to convince .
          Then there was a fight between Jaka Taruna and Jaka Jumput in the yard of regency of Surabaya . Jaka Taruna lost in the fight , but he still claimed that he was the killer of Prince Situbanda .
          “Allright , who is telling a lie , you or Jaka Jumput ?” asked Regent Jayengran .
          Jaka Taruna kept silent . In fact , Jaka Jumput who had killed Prince Situbanda, but he did not want to lose Purbawati . He did not say a word . Jaka Taruna kept quiet. He said nothing .
          “Do you hear me or are you a statue ?” asked Regent Jayengrana again .
          Suddenly , Jaka Taruna turned into a statue called Joko dolog since then .

The End


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